Radical Foundations for Marriage

Our Mission:

Hopewell Radical Foundations for Marriage is committed to the building of God’s Kingdom by establishing and supporting strong Christ-centered marriages, devoted spirit lead families and a united community of covenant believers.

As servants of Jesus Christ, we devote our time, talent and treasure to helping couples establish, develop, maintain and cultivate their vertical relationship with God and their horizontal relationship with each other. We share the knowledge of God’s will, purpose and commandments for His first institution; marriage. In Love and Fellowship, we encourage couples to seek God first and maintain a spiritual connection to Him both individually and as two joined as one flesh, We urge couples to release to God, old habits, past beliefs, old wounds, worldly confusion and Satan’s strongholds in and Christian fellowship. We are steadfast in our service to do God’s will and stay connected to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

As Disciples of Jesus Christ, we extend love and fellowship one to another, exercising daily prayer, humility and obedience to God’s word. Grounded in faith, we promote the essence and elements of the ten points of marriage: covenant relationship with God, unconditional love, repentance, submission, sacrifice, Christ like character change and being naked and not ashamed before God.